Hello Friends!

See my work

My name is Sara Asun George. Hence Filmbyasun. I'm a photographer based out of Northwest Arkansas. A little bit about me, I love exploring culture and other lands. Traveling has helped me to see so much beauty about earth, people, love and connection. I live for all of it! Oh and don't even get me started on food.
||Mexican and Thai food||
*Heart Eyes*

Getting Started

Growing up, my family always enjoyed capturing big and small moments in our lives through pictures. This developed a connection between love of creating art with memories. Also a love of being able to share in those moments and be able to show through the eye of a lens how beautiful it all is.

So, I got started! Wanting to learn as much as I could. I started in 2017 interning at different local studios. Thankful for the photographer mentors that have helped me grow. With a lot of practice, hard work and support I've had amazing experiences with such incredible people. Hope you can also be a part of the experience.


My Team

AKA Rissa

Marissa George

Rissa is a big part of my life (she's my sister lol) and my photography business. She does a lot behind the scenes at my photo sessions and with our social media. She has been my second shooter at my weddings and has recently been experimenting with video.

You will most likely be seeing Rissa at your photo session so, here is a bit about her. She is a wild sprit, nature loving human. We have traveled together far and wide (Dominican Republic, Africa and Canada).

Hello, my name is Rissa George and I started working with Sara back in 2020. I mostly manage Filmbyasun's social media page and join Sara on most photo sessions especially weddings. So, I will most likely be meeting your beautiful self very soon!

A few things I love are coffee, traveling, music and plants (hence the big plant behind my head in that pic^). My favorite coffee shop in nwa is Airship. If you ever want to grab a coffee and chill, hit me up! I can't wait to meet you and hopefully I can join Sara on your session. ;)

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